Avast! For all the pirate lovers out there, this five day lesson plan is sure to please. Your young scalawag will dive into the history, language, and transportation surrounding pirates. Sail into language topics such as; punctuation; verb tenses; shades of meaning. Math topics such as; graphing; charting; adding doubles; and counting money; all while playing pirate themed learning games and activities. Get your crew building their own pirate ship, and testing it on the waters. Make a themed kitchen creation to keep your pirates from scurvy. There is so much treasure to behold in this lesson, that during this learning adventure, your learners will be singing- Yo ho, Yo ho, a Pirates lesson for me!
Pirate Unit Highlights:
- Flexible daily lesson plan
- 2 Spelling activities
- 4 Language activities
- 5 Math activities
- Paired game sheets
- 1 STEM acitvity
- 1 Map reading activity
- 1 Craft activity
- 1 Graphic organizer sheet
- 1 Kitchen creation
- 1 Field trip suggestion
- 1 Bible Verse suggestion
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