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Adventure into this beautiful culture, and learn about their history, artwork, and traditions. Explore core learning topics such as; building sentences, parts of speech, early division, and estimating sums, while playing hands-on themed games and activities. Gather more immersive learning by creating art projects, kitchen creations, and a S.T.E.M exercise. This lesson keeps adventurers learning, creating, and appreciating the Native American culture.


Native American Unit Highlights:

- Flexible 5 day lesson plan

- 2 Spelling activities

- 2 Language activities

- 3 Math activities

- 2 Kitchen Creations

- 1 Science worksheet

- Paired worksheets

- 1 Book report template

- 2 Art activities 

- 1 Field trip suggestion

- 1 Bible Devotional worksheet set with Bible Verse suggestion

- 1 Daily Start activity sheet set



Native American Unit Lesson Plan

    Kentucky Derby Learning Activity
    Postal Service Learning Activity
    Soap Unit Learning Activity

    Egg Unit Learning Activity
    Jelly Bean Unit Learning Activity
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