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Adventure into the city above the clouds with this five day, flexible lesson plan all about Machu Picchu and the Inca civilization. Explore the history and geography of the ruin along with the science of the fall equinox. Find the secrets of multiplication; mixed problems; place value; concrete and abstract nouns; and sentence structure while playing engaging learning games all themed upon Machu Picchu. Practice writing skills by creating a mysterious story and learn to gather and present information by completing a board display. Catch your breath from this learning hike with a fun kitchen creation and make one of Peru's traditional recipes. There's secrets and mystery waiting to be uncovered in this lesson plan!


Machu Picchu Unit Highlights:

- Flexible 5 day lesson plan

- 2 Spelling activities

- 2 Language activities

- 3 Math games/activities

- Paired worksheets

- 1 "What's Exciting About the Fall Equinox" sheet

- "Welcome to Peru" sheets

- "Get to Know the Inca" sheets

- 1 "My Learning Adventure" log

- 1 Report template set

- 1 Kitchen creation

- 1 Read aloud with Jess

- Suggested field trip options

- Bible Verse suggestion and daily devotion sheets


Machu Picchu Unit Lesson Plan

    Kentucky Derby Learning Activity
    Postal Service Learning Activity
    Soap Unit Learning Activity

    Egg Unit Learning Activity
    Jelly Bean Unit Learning Activity
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