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Get your learner crawling into ladybugs with this five-day flexible lesson plan. Examine the anatomy, benefits, and life cycle of the ladybug.  Grow understanding of a ladybug's habitat and food favorites by assembling a ladybug lodge. Fly along in core learning concepts such as; elapsed time, fractions, decimal place values, prepositions, and vocabulary, while playing hands-on ladybug themed games and activities. Get creating with themed kitchen creations, and make stunning ladybug artwork. Expand social and emotional development with a confidence builder. Your little bug is going to love and laugh with the Ladybug Unit!


Ladybug Unit HIghlights:

- Flexible 5-day lesson plan

- 2 Spelling Activities

- 2 Language Activities

- 4 Math activities/games

- Paired worksheets/game sheets

- 1 "What We Learned" math review sheet

- 1 Ladybug anatomy sheet

- 1 Ladybug fact sheet

- 1 Ladybug life cycle sheet

- 1 Ladybug Lodge activity 

- 1 Social/Emotional Development activity sheet

- 1 Informative writing template

- 2 Paired read-alouds with Jess

- 2 Kitchen creations

- 1 Art activity

- 1 Bible Verse Devotional Sheet Set with paired suggested Bible Verse

- 1 Daily Start activity sheet set


Ladybug Unit Lesson Plan

    Kentucky Derby Learning Activity
    Postal Service Learning Activity
    Soap Unit Learning Activity

    Egg Unit Learning Activity
    Jelly Bean Unit Learning Activity
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