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Winter Olympics: Lesson Plan

Writer's picture: jessicazornesjessicazornes

Homeschool Gold!

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Learning Adventurers Win Gold!

Put Your Training To Work!

Without question, you have been groomed your whole parenthood for a unit study like this. From the relentless activities, to the physical endurance tied into being a parent, you have been training, and it's time to put that training to work!

This is absolutely one of those heavily invested lesson plans, but it will certainly win you the homeschool gold, making all that work and time well worth it!

If you're considering studying Winter Olympics this year, gear up and get ready with these ideas that you'll want to include!


The Events!

What's the Winter Olympics without the sports? Rather than just taking a look or watching the events, I put them into action, allowing my learning adventurers to get an experience of what each winter Olympic sport involved. While our San Diego weather wasn't permitting of the real thing, that didn't stop us from playing out the highlighted sports. With a quick score sheet I worked up, and a little set up each day, we had our Olympic events planned. Using the "equipment" (toys) already on hand, we were ready to compete!

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Adding targets and using Nerf guns, created a portion of our Biathlon.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Gearing up for the Luge took Dad's skateboard, a helmet, and a stopwatch!

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
We didn't have an ice rink, but we used our imagination for ice hockey!

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Using planks of foam board and attaching them to boots, they were ready for the Biathlon.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Our events score sheet for the week.

The Intrigue!

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Using ski jump as a visual to practice measurement.

Within the subject of Winter

Olympics, there are countless core learning topics to focus on. In our week, we studied various countries and their flags, the history of the Winter Olympics, the Olympic Oath and Hymn, as well as our country's anthem.

I further used the theme to generated learning activities and games that reviewed topics like measuring, time, contractions, and spelling, just to highlight a few. Learning through play provides not only interest and fun, but utilizes the topic in a tangible way, making learning filled with laughter and application.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
One of our STEM activities included building a strong bobsled to test.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
With the aid of magnets, our ice skater was sweeping up spelling letters.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Practicing time telling before taking off to the Skeleton event.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Using the Olympic Rings to aim our spelling skills.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Our paper Olympian was hitting the slopes to practice contractions in our language game.

The Excitement!

To keep my athletes in top learning

condition, we created Olympic themed

kitchen creations to enjoy. These low

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Colored popcorn made a great themed snack for the games.

maintenance goodies made for a fun

and memorable activity, and kept them in great spirits.

As an art and craft project, each of my athletes were given the supplies to design and decorate their own Olympic hoodie to wear during the games. After the games were over, the hoodies could still be worn, and later made a great keepsake.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Using puffy paint to achieve her personalized Olympic hoodie and keepsake.

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Keeping my athletes hydrated with Olympic Punch!

The Prize!

Beyond the obvious prize of learning, I wanted to include the prize of winning medals in their events, along with the thrill of the opening and closing ceremonies. Our opening ceremony included their country announcement, Olympic Hymn, and review of the Olympic Oath. At the end of our week my Olympians boasted their medals and gear, while music and confetti poppers added to the excitement of the Closing Ceremony.

They may have won the medals, but I won a week filled with memories and happy learning-homeschool gold!

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
My proud little Olympians!

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Reciting the Olympic Oath

Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Winter Olympics Lesson Plan
Celebrate! Closing Ceremony!


Ready to compete in the Summer Olympics Lesson Plan? Grab It HERE!


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