Helpful Tips To Stay On Budget
Counting Coins
It's more than a math topic, it's imperative to be aware of where your "coins" are being spent when it comes to homeschool. Especially if you are just beginning your homeschool journey, it is easy to fall into the traps of overspending on curriculum or supplies that look great, but that you may not even wind up using.
Homeschool can easily and quickly add up- the supplies, curriculum, ink, field trips- the list can multiply exponentially, while the paychecks don't. Although it can get overwhelming, thinking of the necessities along with the wish list, find encouragement here!
You Can Make Those Coins Count!
You CAN homeschool without blowing the bank, while still having quality learning with tons of success. As a veteran homeschool mom, I have learned some great methods of how to accomplish fun and engaging learning, while working on a limited budget, and rest assured, my kiddos have loved every lesson and their education is thriving!
I have gathered some helpful tips to stay on budget while not skimping or sacrificing your child's education.
Here's Some Great Tips To Keep In Your Bank.
Know Your Learner And Yourself
It may sound obvious, but keeping
your little learner and your teaching style in mind while selecting curriculum is key.
While exploring options for our first year, I soon discovered how costly the packaged curriculum was, but
more that, none were going to appeal to my kiddos. We were very much
learning through play focused, and knowing I
was inclined to teaching this way, saved me from purchasing workbooks and lessons we weren't going to touch. If packaged curriculum is your method, the best money saving tip I would suggest is to buy individual items rather than a complete set, as so often one piece of the curriculum works well and the rest doesn't.
*For more tips on selecting a curriculum visit here*
Share Supplies
So many times I have been tempted to buy school supplies
for my kids individually- crayons, markers, chalk, learning aid, etc.- but moving away from how nice it
may look, I realized that sharing the supplies allowed the money that would have been spent on buying multiples of the same thing to be used on other more important school materials.
*Check out my homeschool basics Here*
Join The Group
With social media just a click away, use it to your budgeting advantage! Be sure to join local homeschool groups as they frequently share offers, discounts, and give-aways on items that may benefit you. Another option would be to apply for a homeschool ID card through a site such as Homeschool Buyer's Club. Once your card is received, present it everywhere teacher/student IDs are accepted
to start saving.
Also, be sure to follow my facebook page to catch news of added freebies!
Get Creative
Using your own creativity is a huge asset to staying on budget. Crafting your own games, activities, and worksheets will save you big. Replicate the fun learning manipulatives you see rather than purchasing them. Using items you likely have around the home already, you can make hands-on learning tools and games that will enhance your homeschool without soaking up all the funds. Over our years, I have made countless games and activities that made our learning stick, check out more on that here!
Additionally, when selecting field trips, remember that learning can happen anywhere! Keep outings
simple to explore the value of everyday topics and
items. For field trip ideas beyond the museums and
zoos, visit here!
Borrow, Don't Buy
I'm sure every homeschooler will admit, the love for books grows with each passing year of homeschool.
Before adding another book to your cart though, check the library or online discount book store, such as Thriftbooks, first.
Likewise, across the country there are libraries that lend more than just books. In fact, some libraries will loan items such as, skateboards, games, crafts, and telescopes so try using this valuable resource before checking out.
Stay Thrifty
Shopping at local thrift stores can be a great treasure trove. Just thinking of all the learning toys and games that we have
donated in the past is a reminder that there
are quality and useful items always being rotated
through the doors. Although thrift shopping may
not be favored by some, it is certainly a way to gather
learning aids, books, and more at a good deal.
While the cost of homeschooling can add up, the benefits absolutely outweigh any costs! With some prudent decisions, your homeschool can keep to a smart budget while producing smart minds.