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Candy Corn Cream Pies

There's No Debate Over This Treat!

Candy Corn Unit Kitchen Creation
Candy Corn Cream Pies

This Is Going To Be Sweet!

Headed into our homeschool festive units, I wanted to explore something unique that highlighted the season we were entering. While in previous years we had adventured into lessons about mummies, ghosts, monsters, and more, I was going to need a sweet new topic to keep my young learners interested and excited.

So, I looked to my great source of inspiration- my kids. Upon asking my son what candy he instantly thought of when thinking of Halloween candy, his response:


That's when I knew I had our next festive unit study, and boy, was it going to be sweet!

Preparing this lesson took off pretty easily for me, in fact, I had to actually narrow down learning topics to focus on while studying candy corn.

From its invention, history, and controversy to the core learning topics that presented themselves, I was ready to take on the candy corn adventure. The only thing missing, was a weekly kitchen creation! Included in most every lesson, we love to include time together creating in the kitchen, and candy corn week was going to be no exception.

So, to the kitchen we went to work our skills and our taste buds.

Together we created our Candy Corn Cream Pies, and they tasted as lovely as they looked!

So gather your little ones and ingredients for this easy, fun, and festive kitchen creation.


Candy Corn Cream Pies

Candy Corn Unit Kitchen Creation
Candy Corn Cream Pies

What You'll Need:

Caramel Filled Stroopwafels Cookies

Candy Corn

Vanilla Ice Cream

Candy Corn Unit Kitchen Creation
The Spread: Only 3 Ingredients Needed!


Step 1: Warm the Stroopwafel until the caramel has

softened, approximately 5 seconds in the microwave.

Step 2: Use a butter knife to gently separate the two

layers of the Stroopwafel. Lay each half of the cookie so that the caramel is face-up.

Candy Corn Unit Kitchen Creation
Creating his tasty work of art

Step 3: Get creative! Arrange the candy corn pieces on top of the caramel, on each side of the cookie in any pattern you wish.

*Keep in mind that one half will be the bottom side of the final creation, so you will need to keep the candy corn design flat for this side.

Candy Corn Unit: Kitchen Creation
Personalizing the treat with different candy corn patterns.

Step 4: Flip over the chosen bottom half of the cookie, so that the candy corn is on the bottom. Scoop ice cream onto the Stroopwafel, and spread the ice cream to cover the cookie.

Step 5: Stack the other half of the Stroopwafel

onto the ice cream.

Candy Corn Unit Kitchen Creation
Time for the ice cream filling!

Step 6: Place the creation in the freezer for minutes if needed, to firm up the ice cream, or otherwise serve immediately.


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Candy Corn Unit Kitchen Creation
The final stack!

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